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Creating a wordlist out of a website

Dimon120391, 11:51:04 23.03.2013 Rating: 0 #1

Creating a wordlist out of a website  

Hi, I need to create my own wordlist by extracting/scrapping words from wikipedia site. Any suggestions on how could I do it? Thanks.
Passcape_Admin, 12:07:23 23.03.2013 Rating: 0 #2

RE: Creating a wordlist out of a website  

 No need to reinvent the wheel. We have already done it before. Take a look at our worlist collection. It has:
- wikipedia site parsed into 138 wordlists of  different languages
- powerfull wordlists made by parsing  670 encyclopedias, ~10000 ebooks and 70 dictionaries
- imdb database parsed into pass-phrase collections
- 30 millions phrases that were created by parsing Gbs of popular lyrics
Dimon120391, 12:22:48 23.03.2013 Rating: 0 #3

RE: Creating a wordlist out of a website  

Thanks. What tools did you use to extract/parse words, sorting/combining/wiping the wordlists, etc.?
Passcape_Admin, 12:27:37 23.03.2013 Rating: 0 #4

RE: Creating a wordlist out of a website  

Using our set of wordlist tools.
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