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Reset Windows Password v14.3
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Reset Windows Password v14.2
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Office password recovery tools
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What product do I need?

ccwtech, 06:56:04 14.06.2014 Rating: 0 #1

What product do I need?  

I am not sure what product and version I need. I have a non-domain computer that is running Windows 8, it's been locked by syskey as a result of a virus.

Any suggestions or help is appreciated.

Passcape_Admin, 09:30:27 14.06.2014 Rating: 0 #2

RE: What product do I need?  

You will need our Reset Windows Password tools (standard or advance editions)  to reset the syskey and get back access to your pc.
There're no other tools in the net for doing it. Resetting the syskey however has a drawback: all logon passwords will be reset, some personal data will be lost (for example, EFS-encrypted files, IE and Chrome passwords,e-mail certificates, LAN passwords).
It's a very sensitive operation, so use it with care. Note that after resetting the syskey on Windows 8 machine, you will also have to manually set logon password for every local LiveID account to a non-empty one, otherwise Windows will not let you in.
ccwtech, 17:58:45 14.06.2014 Rating: 0 #3

RE: RE: What product do I need?  

Passcape_Admin quote:
You will need our Reset Windows Password tools (standard or advance editions)  to reset the syskey and get back access to your pc.
There're no other tools in the net for doing it. Resetting the syskey however has a drawback: all logon passwords will be reset, some personal data will be lost (for example, EFS-encrypted files, IE and Chrome passwords,e-mail certificates, LAN passwords).
It's a very sensitive operation, so use it with care. Note that after resetting the syskey on Windows 8 machine, you will also have to manually set logon password for every local LiveID account to a non-empty one, otherwise Windows will not let you in.

Thank you. I am so impressed with your company and the support you offer. Thanks for providing such a great software tool, as well as standing behind your product with incredible support.

I look forward to working with you guys again in the future!! Thanks Ivan.
IvanO, 14:37:38 16.06.2014 Rating: 0 #4

RE: What product do I need?  

It appears that the virus (or a scammer) set a pretty trivial SYSKEY password. We ran our internal tool againt it and found out that the password was: 654123

We have some similar issues recently and managed to recover the passwords too. They were 123 and 12345. Some SYSKEY passwords were not recovered though. Well anyway I hope this post will be helpfull for those who have similar troubles.
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