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Passcape ISO Burner v2.3.2
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No passwords

Klemik, 20:27:41 17.04.2013 Rating: 0 #1

No passwords  

The program has found the wlan profiles, however it does not show any passwords for networks requiring password; why is that ?
Wlan xml profile file attached.
IvanO, 08:38:46 18.04.2013 Rating: 0 #2

RE: No passwords  

What's your OS? Try out manual recovery mode. Consider also turn on logging and try to decrypt it once again, then send me the log file to support e-mail. The xml file belongs to the currently logged on user, right?
Klemik, 09:22:34 19.04.2013 Rating: 0 #3

No Subject  

Well, my OS is windows 7. The file comes from vista (need to get wlan password to acces internet there). Thought it\\'s just simple decrypt thru windows function, but my program only give me incorrect data error.
I do not have access to the system registry key as I do not have admin password on vista. I also do not know how to attach a file to support mail, so I attach it here (renamed to .txt to attach), and the 2nd log file:
Vista v6.1.7600
Drive \\'A:\\\\\\' - removable
Drive SYSTEM(C:\\\\) - fixed, NTFS, 5190 Mb free
Drive Gry(D:\\\\) - fixed, NTFS, 34100 Mb free
Drive \\'E:\\\\\\' - CD-ROM
Drive \\'Y:\\\\\\' - CD-ROM
Windows dir - C:\\\\Windows
System dir - C:\\\\Windows\\\\system32
Temp dir - C:\\\\Users\\\\Klemik\\\\AppData\\\\Local\\\\Temp\\\\
Profile dir - C:\\\\Users\\\\Klemik
Program dir - D:\\\\Programs\\\\network password recovery
Program name - nprw.exe
Program size - 1952256
User admin - yes
Windows x64 - no

18:20:23 Log opened
18:20:24 Passwords dialog started
18:20:24 Fill has been started
18:20:26 Last CNtService error: no reply has been found
18:20:26 CNtService::RunSilent GetResult err: no reply has been found
18:20:28 Last CNtService error: no reply has been found
18:20:28 CNtService::RunSilent GetResult err: no reply has been found
18:20:31 Last CNtService error: no reply has been found
18:20:31 CNtService::RunSilent GetResult err: no reply has been found
18:20:31 Reading ap3.xml
18:20:33 Loader error: Decryption failure.
18:21:26 Main dialog started
18:21:31 Log closed

Attachment: NPRWppp.log.txt NPRWppp.log.txt (314 Bytes)
IvanO, 09:40:09 19.04.2013 Rating: 0 #4

RE: No passwords  

WLAN passwords are encoded using DPAPI. Well, the problem is that you can decrypt WLAN password under the original Vista profile, so you will have to logon it first.

To make it possible to decrypt the password offline (using another profile) you will have to know the original admin password, as well as some additional info like user Master Key and registry files. Without the logon password you will not be able to decrypt your data.
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