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Passcape ISO Burner v2.3.2
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Reset Windows Password v14.2
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Help please

Flexy, 09:45:08 11.05.2013 Rating: 0 #1

Help please  

Could anyone help me in advice please? I'm using your ISO burning utility to create a bootable USB drive, it's running flawlessly. But when I'm trying to boot from the USB, my PC fails constantly with a critical error. What should I do, advise please.
IvanO, 10:10:36 11.05.2013 Rating: 0 #2

RE: Help please  

Well, your problem may be caused by the following reasons:

- Not enough memory. If you use the ISO burner to create our "Reset Windows Password" cd/usb, make sure you have at least 512 Mb RAM in your PC. Other images may have even higher requirements.
Unknown/unsupported/wrong HDD drivers. If your BIOS has any HDD options, find one that switches HDD modes and try to turn on IDE compatibility mode.
USB drive problems. Use an alternative USB stick.
Incorrect ISO file. The ISO image is incorrect.

Check this list. Write here if the problem still persists and provide additional information please: your system, h/w configuration, ISO details, ets.
Flexy, 21:16:45 11.05.2013 Rating: 0 #3

RE: Help please  

I used the Iso burner tool to create a boot usb out of my own iso. I've just tried to burn your reset windows password ISO image and it worked fine for me. Seems that the problem in my ISO. Well, thanks for your help. Keep it up.
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