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Opera Password Recover Version 5.6

Rupert500, 17:30:21 01.03.2013 Rating: 0 #1

Opera Password Recover Version 5.6  

Re: Opera Password Recover Version 5.6 
1.Introduction: Opera Password Recover version 5.6 (Zipped format)
2URL field 1 field 2
3 Help: I can`t trace Help for:
4 Logging:  URL + field 1  field 2
5 Opera Browser Version 12.14.1738 to:
6URL field 1 field 2
7 Can  Passcape team Help?
Passcape_Admin, 17:41:00 01.03.2013 Rating: 0 #2

RE: Opera Password Recover Version 5.6  

Hi there,
Could you outline your problem in more details please? Do you mean that you can't figure out what all those field names mean in the password list? Or what?
Rupert500, 20:10:07 01.03.2013 Rating: 0 #3

Opera Password Recover Version 5.6  

Opera Password Recover Version 5.6 your problem in more details please? Do you mean that you can\\\\\\'t figure out what does all those field names mean in the password list? Or what?
0 Password List
1.Logging URL Field 1 Field 2 (yes Can)
  a. 2x entries in version 5.6 !!! valid
2.Opera Password Recover Version 5.6 (Demonstration Version)
3. (1) Introduction: Help Attempt by means of help menu to \\"transfer\\"
         by means of my  Opera Browser Version 12.14.1738
          User Names + Passwords to Opera Password Recover Version 5.6
            (Demonstration Version)
4Logging URL Field 1 Field 2
        a. 2x entries in version 5.6 !!! Valid
5.Can Passcape team inform me whether or not this is misguided???
6 Re:Opera Password Recover Version 5.6
          (Demonstration Version)  
7Can Passcape team inform as to why Opera Password Recover Version 5.6 (Demonstration Version)  
   Can`t Complete this task to enable encryption? decryption
   of all User Names + Passwords   when  using Opera Browser Version 12.14.1738???

Passcape_Admin, 10:09:44 02.03.2013 Rating: 0 #4

Opera Password Recover Version 5.6  

Opera browser can combine several items which belong to one url page into one item and shows it as a single entry. While Opera Password Recovery splits them. Thus the number of items in Opera browser and OPR may be different.

From the other hand, if you feel that the program does not decrypt at least one item, try to use smart force decryption. To activate it, select manual recovery mode, show path to your wand.dat file and hold Shift+Ctrl keys when clicking Next button. Read more about the smart force recovery activation here >>

This method decrypts all items as they are stored in wand.dat file, one by one. You can also send your wand.dat to support at passcape.com so we can handle and analyse it manually to make sure everything is ok with it.

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