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OPR and Opera 10.x?

RKanarek, 05:45:32 30.11.2010 Rating: 0 #1

OPR and Opera 10.x?  


I’ve been a happy registered user of OPR since October of 2006. Just recently I “downgraded” my computer from Win 98 to Win 2000 and “downgraded” Opera from version 9.x to 10.63. I believe that the latter change broke OPR. It no longer seems to be able to find Opera’s Wand data file, let alone decrypt it. (Unfortunately, I uninstalled OPR before writing this, so I can’t quote its error message.) I do notice that you only advertise OPR as supporting “Opera versions 7.x - 9.2”.

a. Am I correct that OPR doesn’t work on Opera 10.x?
b. Are you planning to create a new version of OPR that would add support for 10.x?
c. Do you have any work-arounds for OPR and Opera 10.x?

Thanks in advance for your assistance, and happy holidays to all!

Passcape_Admin, 09:04:23 17.12.2010 Rating: 0 #2

RE: OPR and Opera 10.x?  

Hi there, Richard

OPR is fully compatible with all version of Opera, including the last ones. OPR compatibility advertising probably had been posted before Opera v10 came out.

You'll have to upgrate OPR to make it workable with last Operas. If the problem persists, please let us know here.

P.S. It's incredible but you're one of the first OPR registered users. It was released in April, 2006.
Happy holidays to you too.
RKanarek, 09:57:27 11.01.2011 Rating: 0 #3

No Subject  

Thank you very much for the reply and the kind words. I can only hope that my little purchase was followed by a flood of additional orders that has left you burdened with excessive wealth and happiness. ;-)

While the version of OPR (Opera Password Recovery) I purchased back in 2006 worked perfectly on my Windows 98 computer, I must confess that your newest version of OPR ("v," correct?) has not done quite as well on Windows 2000 (which I was running for a very few weeks) or Windows XP (which I'm using at the moment).

On BOTH (of my installs of) Win2K and WinXP, OPR reported the following message:

"Opera profile folder not found on your computer, sorry ;( Please consider trying manual decryption mode." [OK]

If I do select "MANUAL WAND" and tell it were to find the files it is looking for, OPR works swell, but it does not store the correct path. When I next launch OPR, I need to tell it where to look again. Since OPR is like a fire extinguisher--necessary, but hopefully not frequently necessary--this isn't that much of a bother. Still, you might want to fix it (assuming the problem isn't with my computer).

BTW, the path to the files OPR was interested in seems none too tricky to me. They were stored in:

C:\\Documents and Settings\\[My Name]\\Application Data\\Opera\\Opera

(yes, "...\\Opera\\Opera")

Passcape_Admin, 10:39:33 11.01.2011 Rating: 0 #4

Re: No Subject  

Hi Richard, 

Hmm, it appears that your version of OPR (v3.6.0) is not that  up-to-date. All you need is just to try out the latest one (v5.3.0). Here's the direct download link: download/opr.zip

Your OPR version was released before Opera v10 came out. That's probably why it failed to find any Opera profiles in automatic mode.

Manual wand mode, indeed, does not store custom paths. To say the truth, I can't remember the reason why I did it this way :) But there was the reason, even though it is not that comfortably to type in the custom path over and over again. This should be fixed probably in the next version.

I must confess, that it is becoming more and more difficult to keep in mind all Opera compatibility issues. Nevertheless, I hope the newest OPR version should eliminate your problem.
RKanarek, 13:29:28 14.01.2011 Rating: 0 #5

No Subject  

Just a short note to thank you for another prompt and courteous reply!
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