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raid 1 hdd

dayoff, 19:14:25 23.08.2013 Rating: 0 #1

raid 1 hdd  

my pc Dell OptiPlex 7010 MT( 2 seagate hdd raid 1 ) my problem when i use Reset Windows Password to restting my winpassword it didn\\'t recognized any hdd only cdrom :(
so i need help
Passcape_Admin, 22:58:53 24.08.2013 Rating: 0 #2

RE: raid 1 hdd  

Well, it seems that your HDD driver was not found in the default driver set. RWP comes with a set of additional drivers. Just select 'Load additional driver' and try to locate and load the driver you need from the following location: X:\\Apps\\Drivers. You can also feed the program with the driver that comes on your motherboard CD. That should help.
dayoff, 18:22:17 25.08.2013 Rating: 0 #3

No Subject  

hi ,
i use what you suggest it works for me :)
But i blocked with hdd write protection :(
can you help me pls
dayoff, 18:23:06 25.08.2013 Rating: 0 #4

No Subject  

hi ,
i use what you suggest it works for me :)
But i blocked with hdd write protection :(
can you help me pls
Passcape_Admin, 18:38:24 25.08.2013 Rating: 0 #5

RE: No Subject  

HDD is write protected? Wow. It's an exotic option, I've heard of it but have never seen. As far as I know the option is switch through the BIOS. So you should enter your BIOS settings by hitting DEL, F2, or maybe other key (the hint is displayed at the bottom of the screen usually), locate and change the option.
Passcape_Admin, 18:44:37 25.08.2013 Rating: 0 #6

RE: No Subject  

Another solution of the problem may be in resetting the disk read-only attribute. From the RWP, run command line utility (cmd), type diskpart, then list volume, select volume ... (put in your volume here), attributes disk clear readonly. Do it if you find no write-protect option in your BIOS.
Anonym, 10:10:46 24.11.2016 Rating: 0 #7

RE: raid 1 hdd  

my pc Dell OptiPlex 7010 MT( 2 seagate hdd raid 1 ) my problem when i use Reset Windows Password to restting my winpassword it didn't recognized any hdd only cdrom :(
so i need help

Hi, I assume it's better for you to backup disk before making some changes in BIOS.  A backup plan is never a suck choice. 
Can you tell me how to write HDD protection? 
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