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Passcape ISO Burner v2.3.2
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Reset Windows Password v14.2
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LM to NTLM hash

Apple, 16:08:56 20.11.2016 Rating: 0 #1

LM to NTLM hash  

is it possible to convert LM hash to NTLM? thank you
Passcape_Admin, 08:20:16 21.11.2016 Rating: 1 #2

RE: LM to NTLM hash  

There's no way unless you know original password. Once the LM password is known, NT (real) password can be easily computed using password checker tool. As you may know, LM password is always in uppercase. Just start typing in the LM password you know, the tool will automatically compute the right character case and output found NTLM password to the screen.
Apple, 11:27:51 22.11.2016 Rating: 0 #3

LM to NTLM hash  

No, no, I have no password. I just wondered if I could perform hash to hash conversion. Thanks anyway. But to know NTLM by LM password I have to check all possible character case combinations of this password, right?
Passcape_Admin, 13:05:36 26.11.2016 Rating: 0 #4

RE: LM to NTLM hash  

That's right. You will have to check at most 2^N variants, where N is a password length. For example, for a 10 character password you will have to check 2^10 = 1024 case combinations to guess NT password.
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