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Recover Pale Moon password

AngryCrocodile, 09:07:02 19.01.2012 Rating: 0 #1

Recover Pale Moon password  

I'm trying to recover my Pale Moon password for some web site accounts but I was lost in numerous options. Does your program support Pale Moon browser? It should, at least your site states that. I'd appreciate if you help me doing it, I need to remember my passwords urgently. thanks.
Passcape_Admin, 09:36:44 19.01.2012 Rating: 0 #2

RE: Recover Pale Moon password  

Well, the Pale Moon browser is based on Mozilla engine, thus your passwords should be successfully recovered by Mozilla Password Recovery. You will need a simple workaround however.

Just open MPR and select 'Manual Mozilla' recovery mode. Proceed to the second step and put in the following path to the 'Mozilla/SeaMonkey password file name':
C:/Users/<USERNAME>/AppData/Roaming/Moonchild Productions/Pale Moon/Profiles/<PROFILENAME>/signons.sqlite

Where <USERNAME> is your Windows account name and <PROFILENAME> is your PaleMoon profile folder, typically looks like this: fmuvb0og.default

For example, my folder is as follows:
D:/Users/John/AppData/Roaming/Moonchild Productions/Pale Moon/Profiles/fm93p4db.default/signons.sqlite

Well, after setting up the Pale Moon password file, click 'Next' button to finalyse the decryption. Another option is of no importance, so you can get several warnings. Just ignore them. 
AngryCrocodile, 16:58:02 20.01.2012 Rating: 0 #3

No Subject  

It worked for me fine, thank you! 
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