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Passcape ISO Burner v2.3.2
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Issue with Brute Force

Mavrik, 00:59:28 10.02.2014 Rating: 0 #1

Issue with Brute Force  


Not sure if I'll have any luck with this, but:
I've tried the brute force method, setting everything to deep because none of the more simpler options work. However, it seems to be stuck and the progress bar is not moving. It's been this way for around half an hour.
1. How long is this attack supposed to take, and 2. Is it supposed to be stuck like this?

Thanks a lot, I'd really appreciate some help. Also if you'd like the exported file to try (since it doesn't seem to work for me), please let me know.
Passcape_Admin, 10:03:13 10.02.2014 Rating: 1 #2

RE: Issue with Brute Force  

Looks like you're trying it againts AI attack. It may take up to several hours to complete depending on how many most recently used files were found on your PC. Actually the program scans trough the MRU files and creates a list of all words, then tries every word.

Well anyway send me your exported file to support at passcape dot com. I will try it with my set of dictionaries. Any suggestions about the password, if any, would be very welcome.
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