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Re-enabling Administrator account?

rafa, 15:33:22 03.05.2013 Rating: 0 #1

Re-enabling Administrator account?  

 Can Passcape help with really tough problem of enabling Admin account?

My Administrator account is disabled - so I cannot use any computer-altering prog. Can Passcape helpf?

I get "Do you want to allow the following program to make changes etc?" with the YES option blanked out! - and no way to type in the Administrator password.

I have tried standard recommendations - and none work:

from Command - "net users Administratot /active:yes" - I get "System error 5 has occurred... Access is denied"

*lusurmngr.msc - won't allow me to alter accounts

*netplwiz won't run - same permission box blanked out

*User Accounts Control panel - permission box blanked

*Command [Accessories] - Run as Administrator - permission box blanked out

*SAFE MODE - same login?Administrator problems - and no possibility of running computer-altering antivirus problems like Rkill

Passcape helped me find my passwords - although I still have minor difficulties logging in - get a green screen with

"You cannot log on because the logon method you are using is not allowed on this computer.."

After clicking on boxes, I get a choice between "Guest" and "Other User" - and then can enter and get into "Mike/ no password" account and open the Win 7 desktop.

Thx for any help

Passcape_Admin, 16:22:26 04.05.2013 Rating: 0 #2

RE: Re-enabling Administrator account?  

 Well what caused the problem? It looks like your Administrator account does not belong to local admin group any more. If so, try to logon in safe mode and add it to the Administrator group. The error also may be caused by your domain or local policy. Try to play around with the policy as well. Anyway do you have any ideas what cause the error?
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