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Passcape ISO Burner v2.3.2
Some minor improvements
Reset Windows Password v14.3
Web browser forensic tools
OneNote password recovery v3.4
Support for Microsoft Office 365
Reset Windows Password v14.2
Telegram data recovery, Photo Database and Media Player investigation tools, and some more

Articles and video

You may find it helpful to read our articles on Windows security and password recovery examples. Video section contains a number of movies about our programs in action

Forum search

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  • RE: NTLM wordlist
    Keywords: ntlm, wordlist, password, wordlist tool
    Content: No need to bother with it. The program should convert all in[...]

  • RE: wordlist tools
    Keywords: wordlist tool, dictionary, wordlist
    Content:  Just run [url=/windows_password_recovery_wordlist_addi[...]

  • RE: Wordlist duplicate remove tool
    Keywords: wordlist duplicate remover, wordlist duplicate remove
    Content:  Hi, Yes, the duplicate remover works with large files[...]

  • NTLM wordlist
    Content: Hey guys, I'm a registered user and have a question regar[...]

  • wordlist tools
    Content:  Sorry, yet another one question regarding the wordlist[...]

  • RE: NTLM wordlist
    Keywords: program, wordlist tool, convert, ntlm, character, 7, dictionary
    Content: Hmm. It's a little bit tricky, since there's no rule for get[...]

  • Wordlist collection updated
    Keywords: wordlist collection, word-list, cd, password list,
    Content: [url=/pdc]Passcape Wordlist Collection[/url] has been update[...]

  • Creating a wordlist out of a website
    Keywords: extract, scrap, words, website, create, wordlist
    Content: Hi, I need to create my own wordlist by extracting/scrapping[...]

  • RE: Creating a wordlist out of a website
    Content: Using our [url=/windows_password_recovery_wordlist]set [...]

  • RE: wordlist tools
    Content: [url=/windows_password_recovery_wordlist_additional]Wordlist[...]

  • RE: NTLM wordlist
    Content: I just wanna use the wordlist in another program.

  • RE: Creating a wordlist out of a website
    Keywords: wordlist generator, wordlist tools, dictionary, collection
    Content:  No need to reinvent the wheel. We have already done it bef[...]

  • Wordlist duplicate remove tool
    Keywords: wordlist duplicate remove tool, duplicate remove, duplicate remover, tool
    Content:  Hi guys, I've got a question regarding your wordlis[...]

  • Word-list processing feature
    Keywords: wordlist, extract, e-mail, html, parse, wordlist tools
    Content: Hi all, Just read a previous post and realized that I need [...]

  • Collection update
    Keywords: password dictionaries, password wordlists, dictionary, wordlist, collection
    Content: A new update for the wordlist collection has been submitted.[...]

  • New phrase wordlists
    Keywords: password,phrase,wordlist,dictionary
    Content: [url=/pdc]Passcape Wordlist Collection[/url] has been update[...]

  • New major update
    Keywords: wordlist, collection, dictionary, download
    Content: Passcape [url=/index.php?section=news&cmd=details&newsid=553[...]

  • reset windows password
    Keywords: reset, windows, password, wordlist
    Content: Hi there. Is it possible to use the wordlist collection in [...]

  • Collection renewal
    Keywords: wordlist collection
    Content: We have renewed our collection of wordlists recently and cha[...]

  • RE: NTLM wordlist
    Content: Wow. Thanks a lot for the detailed answer.

  • RE: Creating a wordlist out of a website
    Content: Thanks. What tools did you use to extract/parse words, sorti[...]

  • RE: passcape tables
    Keywords: passcape, rainbow, tables, wordlist
    Content: It\'s not just simple Rainbow tables but instead a bit diffe[...]

  • Обновление коллекции
    Keywords: wordlist,dictionary,attack,словарь
    Content: Сегодня обновилась коллекция сл[...]

  • RE: reset windows password
    Keywords: reset, windows, password, wordlist, rainbow, tables
    Content: Hi. No, unfortunately the program uses with built-in wo[...]

  • Новые Online словари
    Keywords: passcape,online,wordlist,dictionary
    Content: В Online базу данных выложены новые [...]