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Reset Windows Password v14.3
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OneNote password recovery v3.4
Support for Microsoft Office 365
Reset Windows Password v14.2
Telegram data recovery, Photo Database and Media Player investigation tools, and some more
Office password recovery tools
Resetting VBA passwords

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  • New speed benchmarks
    Keywords: wpa,psk,speed,performance,cpu,gpu,benchmarks
    Content: More password recovery benchmarks have been submitted for bo[...]

  • RE: New speed benchmarks
    Keywords: wpa, psk, speed, benchmarks, hash, password, crack
    Content: The speed charts have been updated with new devices sent by [...]

  • RE: New speed benchmarks
    Keywords: wpa, psk, speed, benchmark
    Content: The charts have been updated with new devices sent by our us[...]

  • RE: P106-100
    Keywords: nvidia, P106-100, speed, wpa, wireless, passwords, gpu
    Content: We have. Someone has posted the benchmarks for it recently. [...]

  • RE: Speed is lower than expected
    Keywords: wpa, wireless, wifi, speed, recovery, gpu, fastest
    Content: Hi. Make sure you have at least one [b][u][/u][/b][u][b]fre[...]

  • Speed is lower than expected
    Keywords: wpa, recovery, speed, amd, gpu
    Content: Hi admin, I'm trying to launch the mask attack on my bran[...]

  • RE: Office 2013 recovery speed
    Keywords: office, 2013, 2016, password, recovery, speed, slow, docx
    Content: Microsoft Office 2013/2016 uses very strong password encrypt[...]

  • NVidia RTX 20xx
    Keywords: nvidia, rtx, 2080, gpu, speed, benchmark
    Content: Many time passed since the post was created and it seems the[...]

  • Wireless Password Recovery 3.0
    Keywords: cpu, gpu, fastest, recovery, speed, avx2, password
    Content: New version of the WiFi cracker [url=/index.php?section=news[...]

  • RE: Speed is lower than expected
    Content: Wow, it helped. Now it shows over 140000 p/s. It is even muc[...]

  • new devices
    Keywords: wpa, speed, benchmarks, gpu, cpu, device
    Content: More that 15 new CPU and GPU devices were added to WPA bench[...]

  • RE: Problem monitoring AMD Radeon GPUs
    Keywords: problem, gpu, speed, load, monitor, amd, radeon, gpu, driver, bios
    Content: Funny but it\'s not a program\'s but an AMD driver\'s bug in[...]

  • Windows Password Recovery v11.6
    Keywords: gpu, monitor, password, lm, hash, kernel, speed, windows password recovery
    Content: A [url=/index.php?section=news&cmd=details&newsid=597]new ve[...]

  • NVidia RTX 4080
    Keywords: NVidia, RTX, 4080, speed, benchmarks, wpa
    Content: Fresh tests of the brand-new [b]Nvidia 4080 RTX[/b] GPU have[...]

  • Office 2013 recovery speed
    Keywords: word, ms, office, docx, document, problem, recover, guess, password
    Content: Hello, Sorry for a dumb question. I'm a newbie and I'm a li[...]

  • NVidia RTX 20xx
    Keywords: nvidia, rtx, 2080, gpu, speed, benchmark, тест, скорость, карта
    Content: Много воды утекло с момента созд[...]

  • Wireless Password Recovery 3.0
    Keywords: wifi cracker, wireless, cpu, gpu, speed, fastest
    Content: [url=/index.php?section=news&cmd=details&newsid=362]Вышл[...]

  • RE: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 880 играет своими мускулами
    Keywords: nvidia, geforce, gtx, 980, speed, benchmarks, hash, password
    Content: Наконец пришли первые бенчмарки [...]

  • New shared speeds
    Content: Over a dozen of new [url=/wireless_password_recovery_cpu_per[...]