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Reset Windows Password v14.3
Web browser forensic tools
OneNote password recovery v3.4
Support for Microsoft Office 365
Reset Windows Password v14.2
Telegram data recovery, Photo Database and Media Player investigation tools, and some more
Office password recovery tools
Resetting VBA passwords

Articles and video

You may find it helpful to read our articles on Windows security and password recovery examples. Video section contains a number of movies about our programs in action

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  • What is best GPU(s) to crack Office password
    Keywords: gpu, microsoft, office, document, crack, hack
    Content: Hi guys, My current card got burnt recently and I have to [...]

  • Новая версия Windows Password Recovery
    Keywords: Windows Password Recovery, crack me if you can, cmiyc, windows 10, win 10
    Content: New version of our [b]Windows Password Recovery[/b] with sup[...]

  • Crack Me If You Can - DEFCON 2011
    Keywords: crack,DEFCON,corelogic,contest
    Content: Закончился ежегодный конкурс вз[...]

  • Wireless Password Recovery 3.1.2
    Keywords: wireless password, wifi password, crack, decrypt, extract, hash
    Content: [url=/index.php?section=news&cmd=details&newsid=376]New vers[...]

  • Wireless Password Recovery 3.1.2
    Keywords: wireless password, wifi password, crack, decrypt, extract, hash
    Content: Вышла [url=/index.php?section=news&cmd=details&newsid=3[...]

  • Help needed
    Keywords: how to crack wifi password
    Content: Hi guys! I'm a newbie and need an advice in cracking wifi p[...]

  • RE: New speed benchmarks
    Keywords: wpa, psk, speed, benchmarks, hash, password, crack
    Content: The speed charts have been updated with new devices sent by [...]

  • RE: What is best GPU(s) to crack Office password
    Content: Depending on your budget. I would recommend Nvidia GPUs. NVi[...]

  • Windows Password Recovery v9.0.9
    Keywords: windows password, hack, crack, administrator password, best, hash, brute, gpu, extract, dump, recover
    Content: [b]Windows Password Recovery[/b] has been updated to v9.0 wh[...]

  • Новая версия Windows Password Recovery
    Keywords: Windows Password Recovery, crack me if you can, cmiyc, windows 10, win 10
    Content: Вышла новая версия программы [b]Win[...]

  • RE: Help Needed
    Keywords: decrypt, wpa, wifi, crack, password, hash
    Content:  Hi. Sure, you can set any wordlist when decoding WPA [...]

  • Wireless Password Recovery v2.1
    Keywords: wifi, wpa, psk, password, cracker, gpu, fastest
    Content: 30% speedup for AMD GPUs. The program is one of the fastest [...]

  • Wireless Password Recovery v2.1
    Keywords: wifi, wpa, psk, password, cracker, gpu, fastest
    Content: Теперь перебор паролей на видеок[...]

  • Wireless Password Recovery v2.10
    Keywords: wireless password recovery, wifi cracker, password, wifi, wpa, gpu, breaker
    Content: Wireless Password Recovery has been updated to v2.10. Now it[...]

  • Wireless Password Recovery 3.0
    Keywords: wifi cracker, wireless, cpu, gpu, speed, fastest
    Content: [url=/index.php?section=news&cmd=details&newsid=362]Вышл[...]

  • The program updated to v1.5.0
    Keywords: incredimail, incredimail password, incredimail password recovery, extract, decrypt, find, get, breaker, cracker, mail, mailbox
    Content: The program was [url=/index.php?section=news&cmd=details&new[...]

  • OpenOffice password recovery tool
    Keywords: openoffice, open office, libreoffice, password, recover, cracker, tool
    Content: First public version of the [url=/openoffice_password_cracke[...]

  • Расшифровка паролей OpenOffice/LibreOffice
    Keywords: openoffice, open office, libreoffice, пароль, программа, cracker, расшифровать, восстановить
    Content: Вышла первая публичная версия [url[...]

  • OpenOffice password recovery v 2.2
    Keywords: openoffice, open office, libreoffice, password, recover, cracker, break, extract
    Content: [b]Open Office Password Cracker[/b] has been [url=/index.php[...]

  • OpenOffice password recovery v2.2
    Keywords: openoffice, open office, libreoffice, пароль, программа, cracker, расшифровать, восстановить, узнать
    Content: [url=/index.php?section=news&cmd=details&newsid=450]Обно[...]