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Passcape ISO Burner v2.3.2
Some minor improvements
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Reset Windows Password v14.2
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Domain cache

ksec, 01:51:50 12.12.2019 Rating: 0 #1

Domain cache  

Hi Guys,

it would be great to add domain cache decryption, just like the one built in the network recovery, but keeping the same decryption techniques used in WPR. 
Hashcat can currently do it.

It would be amazing if WPR had most decryption features that hashcat has. 
IvanO, 08:15:02 12.12.2019 Rating: 0 #2

RE: Domain cache  

Yeah, thanks. Actually we're thinking of either to add cached credentials into WPR or to use it in distributed recovery (our future tool).
ksec, 01:32:23 18.12.2019 Rating: 0 #3

RE: Domain cache  

hopefully you can add it directly in WPR as I would think the distributed recovery project would take some time. 
It would've been great to have agents connecting to WPR to distribute the load like Passware Kit (and agents). WPR is already a great product.
IvanO, 09:34:15 18.12.2019 Rating: 0 #4

RE: Domain cache  

Thanks. Yeah, worth thinking it over.
Passcape_Admin, 17:01:36 27.05.2020 Rating: 0 #5

RE: Domain cache  

Ok, the new version has just been submitted with support for domain cache decryption.
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